So last weekend Alvaro had his birthday party.
I always like going to parties, you don't have to organise stuff or think about if everyone is having fun(and free drinks).
Anyway, I had to work first, which was kind of a disaster, because working means getting wet, specially when the weather is good...
So after getting soaked two times, changing my work cloths two times, having my underpants dried again, a couple a beers it was time to go partying!
There where of course a lot of old friends which I haven't seen in a while, it's one of those things that keep me going to parties, I can't always meet up with people mostly because of my ridiculous schedule, though when I sat there talking I still didn't tell Alvaro I did not have a present for him..
The present for Alvaro
The thing is, I figured I gave Alvaro a nice present, one he will remember, he will think of. One that comes with a story.
A dildo?
A Cocktail shaker(more on that later)
Okay, how about a good pencil set?
I don't know, I just forget these things I had in mind.. They aren't important anyway, and they don't really tell a story anyway.
So anyway: I HAD NOTHING! ZILCH! What was I going to do?!
It was during work that I forged my master plan. This stunt would definitely go with a story.. Sort of at least.. As for the story, it'll be at the end of this post.
But how would I get away with this awesome master plan of all time hilariousness? There was just one solution to it: Drink a lot of beer!
After a couple a beers, I think I drank about 10 in total then, I decided it was time...

The evening continued, and it was good.. Eventually Alvaro ended up putting all the (spekjes?) in his mouth(See picture), we decided to call it a night.
Okay kids, you still reading? Here's the most amazing story of all time.. (not really)
Once up on a sweaty spring evening in the springhaver cafe,
there was a young dishwasher by the name of Thijs.
He was doing really well trying to keep the dishes clean.
Then there came the evil chefs of the springhaver restaurant.
They want to hurt Thijs!
Thijs did not like that. So he sprayed a little water at them!
"Shoo!" he yelled.
But the evil chefs didn't listen. Instead, they started spraying water back!
Oh no!
"Aaaaah!" Thijs yelled! He was totally wet!
Thijs went to get some dry cloths and dry his hair.
Then the evil chefs started teasing Thijs again!
"Shoo shoo!".
But nothing helped. Thijs was wet again...
All of a sudden Thijs had a great idea for a party that he had that evening!
"Why don't I donate my wet underpants?"
That seemed like a real nice gift from Thijs.
Later that night when Thijs drank a lot of big people drinks(When big people drink it a lot they always do a little crazy)
He decided that he was going to give his friend his gift.
Thijs ran to the toilet and pulled off his still little bit of wet underpants.
But this was a little weird just to give to his friend.
So Thijs found a place where he would leave his underpants for his friend to find.
It goes with a little riddle:
"Under thy bed, with two little drawers,
In the black night of the black underpants,
You will find the underpants in the right corder of the right drawer!"
Happy birthday dude!
(Yes that's the underpants I gave you.. ;) )